Everything About Image

Digital Magazine

May 2008 - Today

Since I was a teenager, writing was and is the only way I have to understand the world around me. As the time was passing by I was more and more intrigue by the idea of unite all these “loves” in a uniform form. Music, films, images, and text had to be united in one project because I was feeling like this inside. Since 2006 this idea was getting more specific form and in February of 2008 I gathered my writings till then and I proceeded in the creation of a digital magazine which I named “Boredom Diaries”.  I used pdf form and using the possibilities of that specific mean it concluded texts, images, music as also and video in a common and complementary total.

Today I work on the third part of the specific project that in every part changes and adjusts in my  demands of each period of time. The texts and some images that complete them “go up” in the blog of the same title that I manage.