Everything About Image


In December of 2008 my friend and cooperator Elena Vogli suggested I take over a “small and simple” project, as she said, named Art Locus.
Her idea was really beautiful and simple. Four groups would start from four different places in Greece and they would perform in circle staying in each place for one week, where they should prepare a performance affected by the place where it was played.
The only limitation was that it shouldn’t use “theatrical”
as she said -  (with the classic meaning) places.
After a lot of adjustments the National Centre of Theatre and Dance adopted the project and in April of 2009 we started this crazy and magical journey that changed us all.
In August of 2009 my collaborator for years Maria Karathanou came to me with a proposal that fulfilled a desire of mine since 1999, when I was fist found in Serbia, in Novisad.
The opportunity   was too good to let go, so I found myself – one more time -  in  one of the better and most demanding adventures of my professional life.
We decided to organize a transnational exhibition with 28 artists and zero money. Endless working hours. Agony, anxiety and tension to the fullest. The satisfaction, when it was finally over is indescribable.
I try to imagine Vordoni’s work over time. I ask her how she thinks it will work during time. “I would like it to operate mostly friendly”… she answers. “To watch the passing by stop and sit and talk with the sitting girl. To seek for a break from the summer heat, to live with it.
Since my teenage years, writing was my only way to understand the world. As time goes by I was more and more concerned with the idea to unite all these “loves” to a uniform form.
In 2012 we were assigned to present a proposal for the alteration of the water park in Copa Copana into interactive training center that would include also a virtual exhibition dedicated to Eleusinian Mysteries.
One of my biggest love was and is the comics. The combination of image and text as well as the   abstraction that constitutes their basic building item excites me. So it was natural consequence to work with these also.